Get Your Mindset Tuned for Success in 2020! | FREE Online Seminar with Bob Proctor

Hello there and welcome, I'm Bob Proctor. The year 2020 is just around the corner. And I believe that would be a great time for you and I both to make a big move in the right direction. Do you know, it was in 1961 that a man gave me this book. And he said, "Bob, if you will study what's in here "and if you can follow direction, "you can have anything you want." Now at the time, I was earning $4,000 a year and I owed $6,000. I had no formal education and I didn't have a very good work record. So the idea I could have anything I want was absurd. He said, "Bob, quit looking backwards. "Don't think in reverse." He said, "The problem with most people is "they think what they haven't got. "Plan to think of what you have got. "You've got more power, more talent and ability "locked up with you than you'll ever hope to use "in your lifetime. "If you will follow direction, and I'll give you direction, "you can have anything you want." Now I really didn't believe that, but I believed he believed it and I started to follow him. Do you know, from earing $4,000 a year, one year later, I was earning $14,500 a month. I've earned millions of dollars. I've built a company that operates all over the world. And it's not by accident, it's by design. Most people plan towards the end of any year that next year's going to be different. They tell themselves that and they think about it. They'll even sit down and write it out. And they'll set a goal of what they're going to do. They're going to change their weight, different habits, their income, move their business ahead. I don't think anybody plans to fail next year. I think everybody plans to do better next year. But there's only a very, very small percentage of the population that really make it happen. I'm coaching a woman in Europe that said something one day that really stopped me right in my tracks. She said, "Bob, I believe success "is 5% strategy and it's 95% mindset." I'm going to tell ya, that really made me think. And I'm inclined to agree with that. 5% strategy, 95% mindset. This will account for people who are absolutely brilliant not doing well. It'll also explain why people who really don't have a whole lot going for them do extremely well. 5% strategy, 95% mindset, Katherine's right. Well, I'm going to be running a program, and the price is right. It's not going to cost you a nickel. I'm going to suggest you get your friends together for this program. Turn it into a party like you're watching a football game or something like that. Everybody discuss it. Get together as a group, so you got a group consciousness working on this, and you're all going to do well next year. I'm going to teach mindset. I've been studying it for many, many years, 59 years. I have a wonderful mindset. I earn millions of dollars. I'll be 86 my next birthday. I have as much energy as most people 30 or 46. Do you see, I don't think it has anything to do with what's going on outside. It has to do with what's going on inside. I want you to look at this for a moment. This program is going to be called Mindset 2020. And you can register for it by going to Let this circle represent your mind. And let this little one represent your body. You see, it's what the body does that determines the results that we're going to get. I think everybody wants to get better results. Well, the mind I found, it works in two parts. You have this part. This is where we gather knowledge. This is called our conscious mind. And this is where the books pile up. We go to school, they give us information, and they give us a test to see if we've got it. We pass the test, so we think we've got it. We haven't got it at all. See, down here is where the mindset is. This is the subconscious mind. And it's what's going on here that determines our results. It controls the vibration. It controls our behavior. I'm going to show you how to take the mindset you've got, whatever it may be, and how to improve it. This is going to be a relatively short seminar. It's going to be right to the point. We'll give you worksheets so that you can track this. They'll have pictures on them. You'll understand exactly what I'm saying. Do you know, most times we hear something, we've forgotten about 66% by the next day. You won't forget this. You're going to remember 100% of this because of the way I'm going to present it. And you can plan on the year 2020 being an absolute mind-boggling year. Everything you want can be yours. We're God's highest form of creation. I want you to think about it, and I want you to think of the people that you'd like to invite to a mindset party. Throw a mindset party, Mindset 2020. This could be a get together of all your friends and relatives. Turn it into something really good. See, the good part about it is, when the seminar's over, you can mastermind with all these people. You can get the ideas going, and you can build on that. It's so good. And when there's a group working on it, it becomes much more powerful. Do you know, Napoleon Hill said, "Masterminding is the only way to create power." That's when you bring your mind together with someone else, and it becomes much more powerful. This is going to be an incredible program. I got the idea doing this here just a week or so ago. And I thought, "Do you know, there's probably "millions of people that would love to be in on this." Well, we're going to teach this to millions. I want you to tell all your friends. If you have a company, get everybody on the company in it. Because I'm going to show you how you change you. You see, a corporation's nothing but a group of individuals. I often say, if we're working in a hotel, if we take the employees out of the hotel, we don't have a hotel anymore. We've just got a big building full of stuff. The hotel are the people. And do you know something, we've all got infinite potential. You're God's highest form of creation. Make up your mind that you're going to pick up your pen at Mindset 2020, and you're going to decree what your year is going to be like next year. What a beautiful way to bust into the new year. You're going to love it.